Had to get you here somehow
I believe in human rights for all. Yesterday a decision was made that would make it difficult for someone to make a choice about their own body. Voting is a great place to start, but other action needs to be taken. Listening, learning, and supporting should come next. If you can't support places like Planned Parenthood monetarily, amplify voices and posts to help people who need to find the services they offer. Sharing links on social media is free and can help a lot!
Yes, the foundation of this site is theme parks and fun fun happy stuff. But sometimes you have to put the fun on hold to check reality. This is one of those times. Click the image below to take you to the donation page for Planned Parenthood. You can make a one time donation or set up a monthly payment. If you can't donate, share their page on your socials. Thank you for any action you might take even if it was just reading this all the way through. -Mikey