It's been about a week now since they started to dress the park in preparation for Halloween Horror Nights 27. As I write this, the only things we have in the streets are props for the Trick 'r Treat scarezone and The Purge scarezone. If I had to guess, besides some technical additions like plugging in the pumpkins, it looks like Trick 'r Treat is pretty much ready to go!
This zone will be based on the movie of the same name. Released in 2008, this movie has quite the cult following. I'm not going to spoil it for you, and honestly, I have yet to see the movie myself. But I did read the synopsis online. If you don't watch the movie before the event, all you really need to know is it's about a demon child like creature named "Sam". He's recognizable by his larger than normal head which is usually covered by some sort of burlap sack. Click this if you want to see what he actually looks like underneath it. Basically Sam goes around looking for people who "break the rules" of Halloween and fatally punishes them for their actions. Here's some photos and a video of what the scarezone currently looks like:
And now that brings us to The Purge scarezone. As I write this, only just a few things were added yesterday (Wednesday). So far, it looks like they might dress it up how it was the last time The Purge was at HHN. Here's a video of how it is now, and how it was then:
Up until last year for HHN 26, I was doing all my prep updates by myself. Last year, Joey joined me for a few of the updates in the mornings. That pretty much kicked off our crazy year of creating a ton of content for Magic City Mayhem. This year, because of adulting, I had to get even more help. We now have a second Joe on the team to help with updating on Thursdays and Fridays! Here's a brief video introduction:
In addition to Joe, we also asked another long time park person, Jake, to help us with photo updates when I can't get to the park. Between the four of us, we hope to have the event covered for you guys through the season! So be sure to follow HHNstagram on Twitter and Instagram for live updates, and don't forget to subscribe to Magic City Mayhem on YouTube for more videos!
We can't wait for HHN 27 to start! It's going to be a great year! What are you most looking forward to? Maybe I'll see you there! But until then...
Catchy catchphrase!