Back at the Theme Parks
Now that my mornings are free, I've been spending them back at Universal Orlando. It's HHN Prep Update season, and after a year without HHN in the streets of the Studios, I sure have missed it! I've uploaded a new video just about everyday this week, but if you're not a Horror Nights fan, that's ok! I uploaded a couple non-HHN videos to the channel as well. Be sure you're subscribed on YouTube and hit the notification bell. I might start live streaming from the parks very soon! Lets look back at the new videos from this last week:
Two of the videos this week actually feature Marvel related subjects. There was almost a third, but I think I'll save that one for next week. The first video is a tour of the comic shop in Marvel Superhero Island. One of the obvious details is that it exclusively has Marvel books and other Marvel related items. What would you grab from this comic shop?
Here She Comes
Heading back over to the Studios, there were major updates to the Gorewood Forest scarezone. Located in the Central Park area, this is where the anxiously awaited return of the Terra Queen will happen. Since this video a couple new things were added. Look for a complete overview of the entire event early this week with updated (and probably completed) scarezone footage.
Also popping up throughout the park are food tents. Yeah, I know. No surprise, they do that every year! Well, they're a little different for HHN 30. Some of the food tents have been given facades much like the haunted houses! Since this video was made, another themed food tent was added. I included footage of that tent with the last video in this post. Also, the sign on the Beetlejuice tent was added afterwards, but I included a photo below the video.

Doom Drops No Tops
Every now and then, maintenance needs to happen to an attraction. And on the rare occasion, the attraction can remain open during the refurbishment. This is happening right now with Doctor Doom's Fear Fall at Islands of Adventure. They've removed the tops to be repainted, and it makes the ride look a little more terrifying. Almost as if it is going to launch riders straight up to the clouds!
And finally, the last video of the week shows the area where a Chucky stage seemingly appeared and then doubled in size in just a couple days. And another food tent themed to one of the houses (Wicked Growth) is right across from this Child's Play stage. This still has yet to be officially revealed by Universal, but that didn't bother to cover it with any tarps, so, heeeeeere's Chucky!
This will be the last week for HHN Prep Updates, so be sure to give HHNstagram a follow on Twitter. I'll be out there Monday and Tuesday probably just updating food tents and random light fixtures. Also follow HHNstagram and Magic City Mayhem on Instagram! Lots of new photos coming daily!
I am currently in between catchphrases, so, bye!