Once upon a time in this approximate location, there used to be what looked like a crashed flying saucer. You'd approach to see an alien and a slight mist of water being sprayed at you. I think there might've been a Coke machine eventually. I couldn't find any of my own photos or videos of it, and I couldn't find any online either.


Thanks to @the_theme_geek for reminding me what was in this space. I don't know why I thought it was like an "alien an not a robot. :::END OF UPDATE AFTER 1st PUBLISHING::::

Eventually that was demolished and something new began to take form. It would open 4 years ago on November 23rd as the Coca-Cola Refresh Store. Inside you'd be able to personalize a bottle of Coke, as well as refill and buy your cups for Coca-Cola Freestyle Machines.

Nobody was sure what it would eventually be
Nobody was sure what it would eventually be

It wasn't until it was close to opening that the news leaked of what would be in this newly constructed building. Have you ever personalized a bottle in there? I hear they're pretty strict with what names you can use. They even make sure you don't use any sort of innuendo either.

The project was revealed 4 years ago.
The project was revealed 4 years ago.

Do you have any photos of the original location? I am not imagining things, right? It really existed! Post your photos in the comments of this post on Facebook or send me them on Twitter, @magiccitymayhem

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